cron is a programm that let you execute an command at any time you want automaticly
it´s very easy just edit the cron file with crontab
1. use Crontab
crontab -l # list all cron jobs crontab -e # edit cronjobs
let´s edit cronjobs and paste following code inside for simplicity
#┌───────────── Minute (0 - 59) #│ ┌───────────── Stunde (0 - 23) #│ │ ┌───────────── Tag des Monats (1 - 31) #│ │ │ ┌───────────── Monat (1 - 12) #│ │ │ │ ┌───────────── Wochentag (0 - 6) #│ │ │ │ │ #* * * * * /Pfad/Programmname
in this example we execute a backup command every day at 12:00 pm
paste this line @ the end of cronjob file
0 12 * * * pg_dump -U root database1 > ~/backup.cron.sql
2. little helper
with you can easily create crontabs
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