notes for nerds – pc, server, phones, apps


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Zabbix Monitoring System

zabbix is open-source and can monitor infinite hosts and show many graphs and stats

1. Create zabbix docker network

docker create network zabbix-network

2. Install Postgres Database for Zabbix

docker run -d --name zabbix-postgres --network zabbix-network -e POSTGRES_USER=bob -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=some-passwd -e POSTGRES_DB=zabbix -p 5432:5432 postgres:15




3. Install Zabbix Server

docker run --name zabbix-server --network zabbix-network --link zabbix-postgres -e DB_SERVER_HOST="zabbix-postgres" -e POSTGRES_USER="bob" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="some-passwd" -p 10051:10051 --init -d zabbix/zabbix-server-pgsql:latest

4. Install the Zabbix Web Gui

docker run --name zabbix-web --network zabbix-network --link zabbix-server -p 8085:8080 -e DB_SERVER_HOST="zabbix-postgres" -e POSTGRES_USER="bob" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="some-passwd" -e ZBX_SERVER_HOST="zabbix-server" -d zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-pgsql:latest

5. Access Web-Gui and set Admin Passwd

go to http://192.168.X.X:8085

login with standard username and password

user: Admin

passwd: zabbix

go to Users -> Users and change passwd

so the server is up and running now continue to add hosts by installing „ZABBIX-AGENTS“ on different devices you want to monitor

6. install Zabbix Agent on hosts you want to monitor

docker run --name zabbix-agent -e ZBX_ALLOWED_HOSTS=""  -e ZBX_SERVER_HOST=192.168.X.X -e ZBX_SERVER_PORT=10051 -e ZBX_HOSTNAME="some-server-hostname" -p 10050:10050 -d zabbix/zabbix-agent:latest

ZBX_SERVER_HOST=“ip of the zabbix-server previosly installed“

ZBX_HOSTNAME=“hostanme-of-the-host-you-want-to-monitor“ (this is important you need this to find and add agent in zabbix-server-web-gui)

to add connected harddrive for the graph to discover mount it with read only (ro)

-v /media/256GBSSD:/media/256GBSSD:ro

7. Add Agent to Zabbix-Server-Gui

go to „Data collection“ -> „Hosts“ -> right upper corner „Create host“

then set:

Hostname: „hostanme-of-the-host-you-want-to-monitor“

Templates: „Linux by Zabbix agent“

Host groups: „Linux servers“

Interfaces -> Add -> Agent: 192.168.X.X -> Dns name -> monitored-hostname -> port: 10050

click Add and your first host is done.

ZABBIX is very Scalable.. start find some Monitoring Stats.. too much to cover everything and all available Templates

8. Add custom Item like temperature

If you want to monitor Temperature on Raspberry Pi add following conf file to agent contaiener

docker exec -it zabbix-agent sh -c "echo 'UserParameter=raspberry.temperature,cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp' > /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/raspberry.conf"

then test if its work:

docker exec -it zabbix-agent zabbix_agentd -t raspberry.temperature

should output something like this:

„raspberry.temperature [t|43550]“ means 43 degrees

restart Agent and Add Item as shown below in „Data colection“ -> „Hosts“ -> „Items“

and in tab „Preprocessing“ add multiplier to cut value for huaman readable

then you can Add a widget on Dashboard

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