#!/bin/bash ## this file have to be saved as onlyroot with no file extnsion otherwse there will be an error! echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "change owner and permission of file to root and only readable by root" echo "proudly presentet by kemi pixelshifter" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " # check if running as root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "run this script as root!" exit 1 fi # check if file is in /bin directory if not aks to copy it there if ! test -f /bin/onlyroot; then echo " " read -p "WARNING onlyroot is not in /bin directory, should i take care of this? decide Yes or No " -n 1 -r if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then SCRIPT_DIR="$(pwd)" sudo cp $SCRIPT_DIR/onlyroot /bin echo " " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "done copying file onylroot is systemwide accessable now" echo "run again from any directory now :D" exit fi fi # check if a command argument is given otherwise exit and give a hint if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "you have to specify a file!" echo "try again like: sudo onlyroot sensitive_file" exit fi # change ownership to root and filepermission to rw only for root sudo chown root:root $1 sudo chmod 600 $1 echo "$1 is now only accessable by root!" ls -lh $1
Save file as
with no extension and make executeable with chmod +x onlyroot
do not run this programm with different filename!!!
#!/bin/bash ## this file have to be saved as onlyroot with no file extnsion otherwse there will be an error! echo ""$(tput setaf 38)---------------------------------------------------------------------"" echo ""$(tput setaf 155)change owner and permission of file to only readable by" $(tput setaf 1)root!" echo ""$(tput setaf 155)proudly presentet by" $(tput setaf 200)kemi pixelshifter" echo ""$(tput setaf 38)---------------------------------------------------------------------"" echo " " # check if running as root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo ""$(tput setaf 38)run this script as" $(tput setaf 1)root!" exit 1 fi # check if file is in /bin directory if not aks to copy it there if ! test -f /bin/onlyroot; then echo ""$(tput setaf 155)WARNING onlyroot is not in /bin directory, should i take care of this? decide""$(tput setaf 125) read -p " Yes or No " -n 1 -r if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then SCRIPT_DIR="$(pwd)" sudo cp $SCRIPT_DIR/onlyroot /bin echo " " echo ""$(tput setaf 128)---------------------------------------------------------------------"" echo ""$(tput setaf 155)done copying file onylroot is systemwide accessable now"" echo "run again from any directory now :D" exit fi fi # check if a command argument is given otherwise exit and give a hint if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo ""$(tput setaf 155)you have to specify a file!"" echo "try again like: "$(tput setaf 140)sudo onlyroot sensitive_file"" exit fi # change ownership to root and filepermission to rw only for root sudo chown root:root $1 sudo chmod 600 $1 echo "" echo ""$(tput setaf 177)$1 $(tput setaf 38)is now only accessable by $(tput setaf 1)root!""$(tput setaf 177) ls -lh $1
same script but with fancy color 🙂

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